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117042 Moscow, ul. Yuzhnobutovskaya, d. 45

+7 (499) 755-74-10

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MIMS Automechanika Moscow

MIMS Automechanika Moscow is always a very bright event in industry of  spare parts, special technologically innovated equipment and goods for technical vehicles service, maintenance and repair. The exposition has deserved acknowledgement among professional specialists in automotive sector.

EvaFreight company tightly collaborates with spare parts producers and suppliers. Our employees, too, will take part in the 19th international exhibition. The event will be opened in Moscow Exhibition Center “Expocentre”  on August 24-27.

We are looking forward to meeting you there!

Location (how to get there by public transport): Metro station “Vystavochnaya” on the Filevskaya line (50m from Expocentre’s west entrance).

117042 Moscow, ul. Yuzhnobutovskaya, d. 45

+7 (499) 755-74-10

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