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117042 Moscow, ul. Yuzhnobutovskaya, d. 45

+7 (499) 755-74-10

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EvaFreight Training programme for young employees

Company EvaFreight Ltd offers the opportunity of practical training and employment for pupils of the senior classes and youngsters within the program of State Budgetary Organization «Moscow business support center».

Such training programme helps young people to choose the future profession consciously and to create the area of interests for the further professional development. Practical training can provide a new valuable work experience for them by sharpening the skills the young people have already possessed.

At the same time EvaFreight is very interested in forming the young perspective staff members in the sphere of transport and logistic services and the young employees involvement into company working process.

117042 Moscow, ul. Yuzhnobutovskaya, d. 45

+7 (499) 755-74-10

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ООО “ЕваФрейт”